Why Is It Nessesary To Have A Provincal Federal And

The federal government appoints and pays judges for the superior courts in the provinces and territories, while administrative boards are responsible for providing necessary facilities. The Constitution of Canada gives the federal government exclusive jurisdiction over some courts, and requests for legal opinions from the Supreme Court can be made by all levels of government. Most provinces have three levels of courts, and the Supreme Court of Canada hears appeals from the highest courts of final resort.

Having provincial, federal, and supreme courts in Canada is necessary due to the division of powers and responsibilities between the federal and provincial governments. The different levels of courts ensure that various legal matters are handled according to the appropriate jurisdiction and that there is a system for judicial review of laws and decisions.

Each level of court has specific areas of jurisdiction and authority. Provincial courts typically deal with matters concerning provincial laws and regulations, while federal courts handle cases related to federal laws and constitutional issues. The Supreme Court of Canada serves as the final court of appeal and has the authority to make decisions that affect the entire country.

This multi-tiered court system ensures that legal matters are addressed at the appropriate level of government and that there is a mechanism for resolving disputes and clarifying the application of laws across the different levels of government in Canada.

The judicial structure - About Canada's System of JusticeCourt system of Canada - Wikipedia

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