Who Is Chuah Thean Teng Circle Of Friends ?

The text provides information about Chuah Thean Teng, a Chinese artist known for his batik artwork. He passed away in 2008 and has a biographical information available as well as upcoming artworks at auctions. He is also known for pioneering the use of batik in Penang, Malaysia. His signature is visible in his pieces and has been recognized by his friend Krishen Jit. There is also an appraisal available for one of his batik textiles. Additionally, his artwork has been sold at auction and is available for research and comparison.

Chuah Thean Teng was a prominent Chinese artist known for his batik artwork. He is recognized for pioneering the use of batik in Penang, Malaysia. While I couldn't find specific information about his circle of friends, it's known that his work has been acknowledged by his friend Krishen Jit. Furthermore, his artwork has been sold at auctions and is part of private collections. If you are interested in specific friends or individuals associated with Chuah Thean Teng, I recommend looking into biographies or articles about him.

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