Which Statement Supports The Fact That Bone Cells Are Smaller

Osteoblasts are cuboidal cells that make up 4-6% of bone cells and are responsible for bone formation 1. They work in equilibrium with a different type of bone cells called osteoclasts to maintain bone tissue 2. This concept of cells building upon previous cells is known as the cell theory 3. There are four main types of bone cells, including osteoblasts, osteocytes, osteoclasts, and osteogenic cells 4. They all play important roles in maintaining and forming bone tissue 5, with osteogenic cells differentiating into osteoblasts, which produce bone

Bone cells are smaller than bone tissue mainly because bone tissue is comprised of various types of bone cells, including osteoblasts, osteocytes, osteoclasts, and osteogenic cells. These cells work together to maintain and form bone tissue. Osteoblasts, for instance, are cuboidal cells responsible for bone formation and make up only 4-6% of bone cells. Additionally, osteoblasts work in equilibrium with osteoclasts to maintain bone tissue. This collaborative effort by different types of bone cells plays a crucial role in maintaining the integrity and structure of bone tissue.

Osteoblasts & Osteoclasts: Function, Purpose & AnatomyBone Cells | Biology Dictionary

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