Which Court Cases Are Relevant To Bilingual Education?

The text discusses several court cases that have influenced bilingual education laws and policies in the United States. In 1981, Castañeda v. Pickard dealt a significant blow to the right to bilingual education. This case originated in Texas and resulted in a federal district judge ordering school officials to hire more Spanish-speaking teachers and develop a more aggressive bilingual education program. Another influential case was Lau v. Nichols, which established that schools must provide resources for students with limited English proficiency. Serna v. Portales determined that if a substantial group of students with limited English proficiency was present, bilingual education was required. In the 9th Circuit Court case of v. Berkeley, it was determined that school districts are not federally required to provide native language instruction. However, the case of Nichols (1974) set an important precedent for future cases involving unequal education due to language barriers. The timeline of educational policies and court cases further demonstrates the impact these cases have had on English language learners, such as the landmark cases of Meyer v. Nebraska and Brown v. Board of Education.

Several court cases have shaped bilingual education policies in the United States. Some of the significant cases include Castañeda v. Pickard in 1981, Lau v. Nichols, Serna v. Portales, the 9th Circuit Court case of v. Berkeley, and Nichols (1974). These cases have influenced the provision of bilingual education and resources for students with limited English proficiency in American schools.

Lau V. Nichols: Bilingual Education in Public Schools by Stephanie ...Historical Timeline of ELL Court Cases and Laws - YouTube

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