What The Age Diffrence Between Game Of Thrones Charecters Lysa
The text discusses the age difference between characters in the Game of Thrones series, including Robb Stark and Lysa Tully, who have a significant age gap. It also mentions Rhaegar's marriage to Lyanna and the plot convenience of the age difference between Rhaegar and his siblings. Theon Greyjoy's younger age in the TV show is also brought up, as well as the unhappy marriage between Jon's parents. Catelyn Tully and Cersei's ages are also mentioned, along with the fact that Cersei and her twin brother Jaime look similar.
The age difference between Lysa Tully and Rhaegar Targaryen in the Game of Thrones series is not explicitly stated in the available information. If you have a specific question or need detailed information about their age difference, please feel free to ask, and I will do my best to provide a more accurate response.
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