What Legal Database Could I Use To Find This Information

D. R. v. Redondo Beach Unified School District was a court case involving a student with a disability who was denied a more inclusive placement. The court ultimately determined that the district did not deny the student a free and appropriate public education. This case provides important insights on how courts will approach similar cases in the future. The court ruled in favor of the defendant, Redondo Beach Unified School District, and denied the plaintiff, known as D.R., the requested placement. The ruling followed existing law that states students with disabilities should be educated in the least restrictive environment (LRE). This case highlights the importance of thorough analysis and understanding of legal databases when handling similar cases.

I recommend accessing legal databases such as Westlaw, LexisNexis, or PACER (Public Access to Court Electronic Records) to find the specific reference to "unique learning program" in the case of D.R. v. Redondo Beach Unified School District. These databases contain comprehensive legal documents and court records, enabling users to conduct in-depth searches and retrieve specific information from court cases. If you have access to legal research libraries or databases through a legal institution, those resources may also provide access to the information you are looking for.

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