What Is The Reference Of Instiutional Theory By John C.

Institutional theory seeks to explain organizational communication by studying the shared rules, beliefs, and norms that exist within external institutions. Lammers and Garcia's research has focused on applying institutional theory to understanding behaviors and attitudes within different professions, including physicians and veterinarians. Their work highlights the importance of recognizing the influence of external institutions on organizations and the rational purpose that guides behaviors towards specific ends. However, there are also limitations to institutional theory, and scholars argue that the concept of profession is under-theorized and accepted uncritically.

In the context of the work by John C. Lammers and Mattea A. Garcia, institutional theory seeks to explain organizational communication by studying the shared rules, beliefs, and norms within external institutions. Their research has focused on applying this theory to understand behaviors and attitudes within various professions, including physicians and veterinarians. This work emphasizes the significance of recognizing the influence of external institutions on organizations and the rational purpose that guides behaviors towards specific ends. However, it is important to note that scholars have raised concerns about the under-theorization and uncritical acceptance of the concept of profession within institutional theory.

PDF) Institutional Theory ApproachesPDF) Institutional theory of organizations

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