What Is Newest Version Of C+

The newest versions of the C++ standard are C++20 and C++23. C++20 was released in 2023 and is the current standard, but C++23 has been completed and is in its final stage of approval. C++20 replaced C++17 and has extensive changes. Currently, Microsoft's Visual C++ Redistributable only supports Windows systems, and there are plans to release more technical specifications for C++. There is also a newer version of C++, C++23, which is considered more advanced. In April 2023, the latest major version of the C++ compiler, GCC 13.1, was released.

The newest versions of the C++ standard are C++20 and C++23. C++20 was released in 2023 and is the current standard, but C++23 has been completed and is in its final stage of approval. C++20 replaced C++17 and has extensive changes. C++23 is considered more advanced and is the upcoming version.

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