What Is My Defination Of Wellbeing?

Summarized: Kamalaya Koh Samui is hiring new team members to join their wellness-oriented community, differentiating themselves from "trend" followers and charlatans. Well-being is a personal and multi-dimensional concept, relating to things valued in life such as happiness, fulfillment, and purpose. Health is a positive concept that includes social and personal resources, as well as physical capacity. Pierre Lang is a General Manager at Kamalaya Wellness Sanctuary with experience in internal medicine, preventive medicine, public health, and geriatric medicine. The concept of "being well together" is discussed in order to achieve a life with personal goals and aspirations.

Your definition of wellbeing appears to be multi-dimensional, focusing on aspects valued in life such as happiness, fulfillment, and purpose. Additionally, it encompasses health as a positive concept that includes social and personal resources, as well as physical capacity. It seems that your perspective on wellbeing is holistic and encompasses a sense of overall wellness in various dimensions of life. If you would like me to provide more information or insights, please feel free to let me know!

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