What Is Metta Meditation

Summary: Loving-Kindness Meditation, also known as metta meditation, is a concentration and mindfulness practice that fosters self-compassion, empathy, and kindness. It involves sitting comfortably and taking deep breaths before directing lovingkindness towards oneself and others. Through metta meditation, one can enter a more loving and connected state of mind. There are guided meditations available for this practice, led by experts such as Jon Kabat-Zinn and Tara Brach. This form of meditation encourages sending benevolent wishes out into the world, promoting deep healing and softening negative emotions.

Metta meditation, also known as Loving-Kindness Meditation, is a form of concentration and mindfulness practice that emphasizes the development of unconditional kindness and compassion towards oneself and others. It involves sitting comfortably, taking deep breaths, and then directing lovingkindness towards oneself and others. This practice aims to cultivate a more loving and connected state of mind, fostering self-compassion, empathy, and kindness. Guided meditations by experts such as Jon Kabat-Zinn and Tara Brach are available to assist with this practice. Metta meditation encourages the sending of benevolent wishes into the world, promoting deep healing and softening negative emotions.

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