What Is Location, Market Based For Scope 2 Emissions

According to the various texts, there are two commonly used methods for accounting for scope 2 emissions from purchased electricity. The first is the location-based approach, which uses average emissions data from the grids where energy consumption occurs. The second is the market-based approach, which considers specific information from energy procurement contracts. The location-based method reflects the actual emissions that a company is putting into the air, while the market-based method only considers emissions associated with the company's specific energy procurement sources. There is a debate among experts regarding which method is more accurate, with some arguing for the market-based approach and others supporting the location-based approach. Both methods have their own strengths and limitations, and it is important for companies to carefully consider which approach best fits their individual needs and goals.

There are two commonly used methods for accounting for scope 2 emissions from purchased electricity. The first is the location-based approach, which uses average emissions data from the grids where energy consumption occurs. The second is the market-based approach, which considers specific information from energy procurement contracts. The location-based method reflects the actual emissions that a company is putting into the air, while the market-based method only considers emissions associated with the company's specific energy procurement sources. There is a debate among experts regarding which method is more accurate, with some arguing for the market-based approach and others supporting the location-based approach. Both methods have their own strengths and limitations, and it is important for companies to carefully consider which approach best fits their individual needs and goals.

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