What Evidence Can You Use From The Article To Support
In this research study, Gredler addresses the misalignment between postsecondary online students' preferences and instructor practices regarding writing feedback. Surveys were used to investigate students' preferences for various types of instructor feedback, such as written, audio, and video. The study also highlights the importance of matching the teacher's feedback method and medium to the students' preferences. Despite prior research on this topic, Gredler's study provides new insight on the subject and suggests the need for further investigation.
The article "Postsecondary online students’ preferences for text-based instructor feedback" by Gredler (2018) addresses the disparity between the preferences of postsecondary online students and the feedback practices of instructors with regard to written feedback. Surveys were conducted to explore students' inclinations towards different forms of instructor feedback, including written, audio, and video formats. The study emphasizes the significance of aligning the instructor's feedback method and medium with the students' preferences. It contributes new insights to the existing body of research in this area and points towards the necessity for additional exploration.

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