What Effect Did Congress’ 1965 Decision To Lift Tight Immigration

The 1965 amendments to immigration law abolished discriminatory policies based on race and ethnicity, resulting in a significant increase in both legal and unauthorized immigration. While the Johnson Administration initially aimed to limit immigration from the Western Hemisphere, the final legislation implemented a new system that allocated residence visas without numerical limitations. However, critics pushed for restrictions to limit immigration from third-world countries. Overall, the Immigration and Naturalization Act of 1965 had a profound impact on immigration in the United States, increasing diversity and changing how the country counted its immigrant population.

The 1965 decision by Congress to lift tight immigration restrictions had a profound effect on immigration in the United States, particularly leading to a substantial increase in the country's diversity. This change resulted in more than half of Americans under the age of 16 being identified as members of a racial or ethnic minority group. The decision led to a significant rise in legal immigration and contributed to the demographic transformation of the United States. If you have more questions or need further information, feel free to ask!

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