What Are Some Things That Can Happen To Our Body

The text is discussing the various signs and symptoms of vitamin deficiencies, including fatigue, dry skin and hair, mood changes, and lowered immunity. These deficiencies can cause brittle hair and nails, mouth ulcers, and bleeding gums. Common deficiencies include vitamin D, calcium, iron, and B vitamins, and symptoms can also include bone pain, muscle weakness, and slow wound healing. While a deficiency in vitamin D can lead to depression and fatigue, an excess amount can also be harmful. It is important to maintain a balanced diet and consult with a healthcare professional if experiencing any concerning symptoms.

Vitamin deficiencies can lead to a range of effects on the body. Some common signs and symptoms include fatigue, dry skin, and hair, as well as mood changes and lowered immunity. Additionally, deficiencies can cause brittle hair and nails, mouth ulcers, and bleeding gums. Specific deficiencies, such as in vitamin D, calcium, iron, and B vitamins, can result in other symptoms such as bone pain, muscle weakness, and slow wound healing. It's vital to maintain a balanced diet and promptly seek advice from a healthcare professional if experiencing any concerning symptoms.

What are the important Signs and Symptoms of Vitamin D deficiency ...Vitamin D Deficiency: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

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