What About Peel School Board

The text snippets describe various initiatives and efforts undertaken by the Peel District School Board to promote equity, diversity, and anti-oppressive leadership in education. These include a commitment to supporting all students for success, collaboration with government bodies and subscription to a leadership philosophy that values inclusivity, the development of tools and strategies for addressing systemic issues, and efforts to engage with underrepresented groups. A report has also been commissioned to assess the board's progress in promoting bias-free hiring and promotion, with a hope for an impartial review.

The Peel District School Board's philosophy for teaching underrepresented groups focuses on fostering equity, diversity, and anti-oppressive leadership in education. The board has committed to supporting all students for success, collaborating with government bodies, and subscribing to a leadership philosophy that values inclusivity. Additionally, they have been developing tools and strategies to address systemic issues and engaging with underrepresented groups. Furthermore, they have commissioned a report to assess progress in promoting bias-free hiring and promotion, emphasizing the importance of an impartial review.

Peel teacher says he was forced to attend DEI training that ...The Peel District School Board and White Supremacy (Part 1 of 2)

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