Was Ist Die Erste Phase In Der Mediation?

The text describes the five phases of mediation, which are: introduction, gathering of topics, clarification of interests, negotiation, and solution. The first phase is about clarifying the instructions and introducing the mediator and the parties involved. In the second phase, topics and perspectives are collected and in the third phase, the interests of both parties are clarified. The fourth phase involves conflict resolution and the fifth phase is focused on finding a solution. Before these phases, in the pre-phase, trust is built between the parties. The result of the first phase is documented in a mediation agreement, which specifies the subjects of the mediation.

In der Mediation ist die erste Phase die sogenannte "Einleitungsphase". In dieser Phase werden die Anweisungen geklärt und der Mediator sowie die involvierten Parteien vorgestellt. Es ist auch die Zeit, in der das Vertrauen zwischen den Parteien aufgebaut wird.

Die Phasen und Schritte einer Mediation -Mediation: Ablauf einer Konfliktklärung in 5+1 Phasen - SK-Mediation

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