Trouve Moi Des Informations Sur Lyes Bouhdida lasserre

The text discusses the activities and associations of Lyes Bouhdida-Lasserre, a Deputy Mayor in charge of early childhood, youth, and student life in the 20th district of Paris. These activities include being a member of the Warwick walking and climbing society, World@Warwick, a culture and language practice network, and the Parti Socialiste. Bouhdida-Lasserre also has an Instagram account where he shares updates and interacts with his 1101 followers. He has also authored a biography that can be purchased using a credit from a pack. He is known for inviting the youth in his district to meet with him and discuss their concerns, and has been a guest at the Archipelia Club for young people aged 16-25. Bouhdida-Lasserre works closely with Maxime Sauvage, the First Deputy Mayor of the 20th district.

Lyes Bouhdida-Lasserre is known for his involvement as Deputy Mayor in charge of early childhood, youth, and student life in the 20th district of Paris. He is an active member of various associations and is seen as someone who engages with youth in his district to address their concerns. He collaborates closely with Maxime Sauvage, the First Deputy Mayor of the 20th district. On a personal note, he is also an active member of the Warwick walking and climbing society and World@Warwick, a culture and language practice network. Bouhdida-Lasserre also engages and shares updates through his Instagram account where he interacts with his 1101 followers.

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