Trimarco V. Klein Court Of Appeals Of The State Of

Trimarco v. Klein is a 1982 New York Court of Appeals decision about negligence and the use of shatterproof glass doors in buildings. Trimarco sued Klein for negligence when he was injured by a glass shower door, and was awarded $240,000 at trial. The court found that it was negligent for the landlord to continue using ordinary glass doors when it was common practice to use shatterproof glass. The Appellate Division had originally dismissed the complaint, but it was reversed on appeal.

The case of Trimarco v. Klein is a significant legal decision from May 20, 1982, by the Court of Appeals of the State of New York. In this case, the court addressed issues of negligence and the requirement to utilize shatterproof glass doors in buildings. The lawsuit involved Trimarco's claim against Klein for negligence after being injured by a glass shower door. Ultimately, Trimarco was awarded $240,000 in damages at trial.

The court ruled that it constituted negligence on the part of the landlord to persist in using regular glass doors, especially when it was common practice to utilize shatterproof glass. The initial dismissal of the complaint by the Appellate Division was overturned on appeal, marking this as a significant decision in the realm of negligence and property safety law.

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