
In summary, the world's wine production is dominated by four countries: France, Italy, Spain, and the United States. These four countries produce more than half of the world's wine, with 85% of it coming from just 28 producers. In 2014, the five largest wine-producing countries were Italy, Spain, France, the United States, and China. As of 2022, Italy remains the top wine producer, followed by France and Spain. In total, 29.1 million tonnes of wine are produced worldwide each year, with China being a top importer despite its large domestic production.

Najväčšími producentmi vína na svete sú Francúzsko, Taliansko, Španielsko a Spojené štáty. Tieto štyri krajiny produkujú viac než polovicu svetového vína. V roku 2022 zostáva Taliansko na čele výroby vína, nasledované Francúzskom a Španielskom. Spolu sa každoročne vyprodukuje 29,1 milióna ton vína po celom svete.

Top Fifteen Wine-Producing Countries » Italian Wine CentralUpdated: Top Wine Producing Countries | Wine Folly

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