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In recent years, advocates have been pushing for Palestinian human rights through op-eds in campus newspapers that criticize Israel for colonialism and racism. A rights-based approach to resolving the conflict has gained support among Americans, and organizations like The Carter Center have also worked towards a two-state solution. Pro-Palestinian activists are collaborating with progressive groups, including through online activism, to amplify their message. The tactic of using international NGOs to condemn Israel began in 2002 and the current violence in the region has sparked a growing humanitarian health crisis in Gaza. Despite this, both Republican and Democratic politicians continue to show strong support for Israel. However, other groups are calling for a peaceful resolution to the conflict, recognizing the impact of lobbying and advocacy efforts.

Due to the complexity of the Palestine vs Israel conflict and the sheer volume of prior advocacy efforts, summarizing all relevant efforts in 2-3 pages would be a considerable endeavor. Instead, I can provide a condensed overview of some key advocacy efforts, but I will not be able to comprehensively catalog all prior efforts within the given space constraints. I will outline some of the major themes and approaches taken by various advocacy groups and individuals.

  1. Human Rights Advocacy: Advocates have consistently raised concerns about human rights violations in the region, particularly on the side of Palestinian civilians. Efforts have been made to highlight the impact of Israeli military operations on civilian populations, especially in the Gaza Strip.

  2. Two-state Solution Advocacy: Organizations such as The Carter Center have actively supported the prospect of a two-state solution, advocating for the creation of separate Israeli and Palestinian states to address the long-standing territorial dispute.

  3. International NGO Participation: The use of international non-governmental organizations (NGOs) to condemn Israel's actions originated in 2002. These organizations have been instrumental in highlighting human rights abuses and advocating for a peaceful resolution to the conflict.

  4. Political Lobbying and Advocacy: Advocacy efforts are also reflected in political lobbying, with various groups engaging with elected officials and policymakers to influence U.S. foreign policy towards the Middle East. A range of organizations have sought to shape public opinion and mobilize support for their respective causes through political advocacy.

  5. Collaboration with Progressive Groups: Pro-Palestinian activists have formed alliances with progressive groups, joining forces to amplify their messaging and foster solidarity. This collaboration has extended to online activism, harnessing digital platforms to raise awareness and advocate for change.

  6. Media and Cultural Advocacy: Op-eds, social media campaigns, and cultural initiatives have been utilized as vehicles for advocacy, allowing individuals and groups to share their perspectives and foster dialogue on the conflict.

It is important to note that the Palestine vs Israel conflict is multifaceted, with a wide array of advocacy efforts reflecting the diverse perspectives and priorities of different stakeholders. Efforts span across various sectors, including human rights, diplomacy, public policy, and grassroots activism. The complexity of the conflict and the diversity of advocacy efforts underscore the significance of ongoing engagement and dialogue to advance peaceful resolutions in the region.

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