Statistics On Injury Or Death For Cell Phone Usage While

In 2020, there were 3,142 fatalities on U.S. roads due to motor vehicle accidents. 14% of these crashes involved cell phone use while driving. In 2021, 11.7% of distraction-affected fatal crashes were caused by cell phone use, compared to 12.3% in 2020. 9% of all distracted driving injury crashes and police-reported distraction-affected crashes were a result of cell phone use. A total of 3,522 deaths and 362,415 injuries were caused by distracted driving in 2021, with cell phone use being a major factor. On average, 400 fatal crashes occur each year in the U.S. due to texting and driving. Additionally, in 2019, 3,100 people died and 424,000 were injured in crashes involving a distracted driver. 1.6 million crashes and 390,000 injuries occur every year in the U.S. due to cell phone use while driving, according to statistics from the National Safety Council. However, experts believe that the actual number of deaths from texting and driving is twice the reported amount.

In 2020, 14% of motor vehicle crashes resulting in fatalities in the US involved cell phone use. Additionally, in 2021, 11.7% of distraction-affected fatal crashes were due to cell phone use, with 9% of all distracted driving injury crashes linked to cell phone usage. These statistics reflect a substantial impact of cell phone use on road safety.

In 2021, a total of 3,522 deaths and 362,415 injuries were caused by distracted driving, with cell phone use being a primary contributing factor. On average, 400 fatal crashes occur yearly in the US due to texting and driving. Furthermore, in 2019, 3,100 people died and 424,000 were injured in crashes involving a distracted driver. Moreover, according to the National Safety Council, 1.6 million crashes and 390,000 injuries occur annually in the US due to cell phone use while driving.

It is important to note that experts believe the actual number of deaths from texting and driving might be twice the reported amount. These statistics underscore the significant impact of cell phone usage on road safety and the urgency of promoting distraction-free driving to mitigate injuries and fatalities related to this issue.

2019 Cell Phone Texting and Driving Accident Statistics - NEW YORK ...2019 Cell Phone Texting and Driving Accident Statistics - NEW YORK ...

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