Singular Gentiv Trochlea

A trochlea is a first-declension noun in Latin, with singular and plural forms in the nominative case as trochlea and trochleae. It also has a genitive form of trochleae and trochleārum. In anatomy, trochlea refers to a pulley-like structure and can also be used to describe certain joints. The Latin word for trochlea is trochlea, trochleae and it is identified with TA code A02.5.10.011 and has a THA entity ID of 1189. It is a feminine singular noun in the nominative case, while tali is a masculine genitive noun. There are also different forms of trochlea, including trochlearum in the genitive case and trochlea in the nominative case. This word can be translated as "a pulley" and "anatomically resembling a pulley." Additionally, plurals of trochlea and other Latin words can be formed by adding -ae at the end.

The singular genitive form of "trochlea" in Latin is "trochleae." So, it would be used when indicating possession or association with a singular trochlea.

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