Should I Buy A House In Spokane County Or Kootenai

In November 2023, both the Spokane County and Kootenai County real estate markets saw decreases in the number of homes for sale compared to the previous month. However, Kootenai County's market is still in high demand and has shown an increase in inventory, leading to a decrease in prices. Additionally, a report stated that the average price of a home in Kootenai County saw a significant increase over the past few years. With high property taxes in the region, it may be difficult to afford a home in Kootenai County. The housing market in Spokane County, on the other hand, has seen more stability and affordable options for buyers.

Based on the current real estate market, it seems that the housing market in Spokane County offers more stability and affordable options for potential buyers. Kootenai County, on the other hand, has high demand, leading to increased prices and property taxes which may make it relatively more expensive. It's important to consider your budget, long-term investment goals, and the specific areas within each county that you are considering. Additionally, factors such as amenities, schools, and community vibe should also be taken into account before making a decision.

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