Quand A Eu Lieu Le Premier?

The text discusses various beer festivals that take place in Belgium and the United States. The Zythos Bierfestival, BAB-bierfestival, and Belgian Beer Weekend are annual events that showcase a wide variety of Belgian beers. The BXL Beer Fest, organized by the Brussels Beer Project, is scheduled to take place in August 2023 and will feature over 500 beers. The article also mentions the Great American Beer Festival, which started in 1982. The Belgian Brewers' Bash is another event that offers a selection of beers from Belgian breweries.

Il semble y avoir une confusion dans ma recherche. Je vais m'efforcer de trouver des informations plus précises sur la date du premier festival de la bière à Bruxelles.

Belgian Beer Weekend 2022 - Brasserie Saint-FeuillienBelgian Beer Weekend 2022 - Brasserie Saint-Feuillien

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