Pols210 I002 Fall 2023 The Purpose Of This Assignment Is

The text snippets cover various policy issues, with a focus on national security. There are ongoing concerns about corruption, arms control, nonproliferation, and combating drugs and crime. The current Covid-19 pandemic has also presented challenges for policymakers. There is an emphasis on the need for cooperation and partnership with other countries in addressing global issues. Other focus areas include border security, cybersecurity, and energy security. The White House has recently released a national security strategy, which highlights the competitive challenges posed by China and Russia. Additionally, there have been efforts to address the separation of migrant families at the border and to protect American competitiveness.

For this research essay, I will focus on the current policy problem of cybersecurity and the preferred policy solution to strengthen cybersecurity measures to protect American national security.

Thesis Statement: The current policy problem for American national security is the vulnerability to cyber threats, and the preferred policy solution is to enhance federal cybersecurity infrastructure and coordination. This solution is preferred due to the increasing frequency and sophistication of cyberattacks targeting critical infrastructure, government agencies, and private sector entities. Strengthening cybersecurity measures at the federal level is essential to safeguarding national security interests, preventing disruptions to essential services, and protecting sensitive data from foreign adversaries and cybercriminals.

Competing Solutions and Responsibilities of Government Levels and Branches:

Competing Solution 1: Some argue for a decentralized approach, where states and local governments take primary responsibility for cybersecurity. Proponents of this approach believe that local entities can tailor cybersecurity measures based on regional needs, and that decentralization allows for more agile responses to cyber threats at the local level. At the federal level, this approach emphasizes providing resources, support, and guidance to states and localities.

Competing Solution 2: Another competing solution involves a more centralized approach, where the federal government assumes a leading role in cybersecurity. Advocates for this approach argue that national security concerns related to cyber threats require a unified and coordinated strategy at the federal level. This approach emphasizes the executive branch's authority to set national cybersecurity standards and coordinate efforts across federal agencies and with international partners.

Argument for the Preferred Solution and Addressing Critics:

The preferred solution of enhancing federal cybersecurity infrastructure and coordination is preferable due to the interconnected nature of cyber threats, which often transcend state and local boundaries. A decentralized approach risks fragmentation and inconsistency in cybersecurity measures, leaving critical infrastructure and national security vulnerable to attacks. Additionally, the federal government's unique capacity to engage with international partners and coordinate responses to cyber threats makes it better positioned to address the transnational nature of cyber threats.

Critics of the preferred solution may argue that a centralized approach increases the risk of federal overreach and encroachment on states' rights. However, critics overlook the fact that cyber threats require a unified and coordinated response to effectively protect national security interests. Furthermore, the federal government's role in setting cybersecurity standards and ensuring compliance is essential to prevent gaps and lapses in national cybersecurity infrastructure.

Recent News Article: According to a recent article in the National Cyber Security Alliance, there has been a surge in cyberattacks targeting critical infrastructure and government networks. This underscores the pressing need for a cohesive and comprehensive federal cybersecurity strategy to address evolving threats.

In conclusion, enhancing federal cybersecurity infrastructure and coordination represents the preferred policy solution to address the current policy problem of cybersecurity and protect American national security. By leveraging the federal government's resources and coordination capabilities, the United States can bolster its cybersecurity defenses and mitigate the growing threats posed by cyber adversaries.

Current National Security Challenges for the U.S.Challenges and Threats to US Security - ICDS

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