Please Generate Problems For Alisaing Using Destructuve And Non Desctructive

Non-destructive methods involve operations that only read data, such as getting values or checking for keys or values. These methods do not intentionally modify the data. In contrast, destructive methods involve modifying the original data, either partially or completely. This can include damaging or destroying the data as part of the procedure. In software testing, both destructive and non-destructive methods are important. However, non-destructive methods are preferred as they do not alter the original data. This also influences how functions that use lists are written. Return statements also play a role in determining whether a function is destructive or non-destructive.

Given the concept of destructive and non-destructive methods, let's create some Python problems for Alisa to work on:

Destructive Methods:

  1. Write a function that takes a list as an argument and sorts it in descending order. This function should modify the original list.

  2. Create a program that removes all occurrences of a specific value from a given list. The program should modify the list in place.

Non-destructive Methods:

  1. Create a function that takes a list as input and returns a new list containing only the unique elements from the original list, without modifying the original list.

  2. Write a program that takes a string as input, reverses the string, and returns the reversed string without changing the original input.

These problems will allow Alisa to practice implementing both destructive and non-destructive methods in Python.

W3D2: Destructive vs. Non-Destructive Methods (4 of 4)Destructive Testing and Non Destructive Testing Tutorial

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