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According to the studies conducted by Juby and Farrington (2001), it has been found that children from single-parent families, whether headed by a single mother or single father, are at a higher risk of being involved in criminal activities during their adolescent years. These findings also suggest that this could be due to the lack of guidance and stability in these households. Further research is needed to fully understand the connection between single-parent households and behavior problems in children. Additionally, low-income households also appear to have a higher risk of youth crime. However, it should be noted that these studies cannot definitively prove that fatherlessness or any other factor causes individuals to commit crimes. It only shows a correlation between single parenting and delinquency.

The research conducted by Juby and Farrington (2001) suggests that children from single-parent families, whether headed by a single mother or single father, are at a higher risk of being involved in criminal activities during their adolescent years. This study found a measurable correlation between single-parent households and increased likelihood of youth involvement in criminal behavior. However, it's important to note that this correlation does not imply causation; it merely indicates a statistical relationship between the two variables.

The implication of this correlation is that the absence of one parent in the household may lead to a lack of guidance and stability, which could contribute to an increased risk of the child engaging in delinquent behavior. The researchers didn't disclose specific correlation coefficients (r-values) associated with this relationship in the available information. However, further research and analysis of similar studies may provide a more detailed view of the strength of the correlation between single-parent households and juvenile delinquency.

If you need specific correlation coefficients or further details, I can dig deeper into other studies or sources to provide more information.

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