Pero Dime Los Conceptos De Cada Uno, Resumido Y Conciso

Analysis: The Curia regia was a historic advisory body during the Middle Ages, successor to the Visigothic Aula regia and responsible for various functions. It could be ordinary or full, depending on the complexity of the case, and was eventually renamed the King's Council. This institution should not be confused with the Roman Curia, which is the governing body of the Catholic Church. The Curia ordinaria and Curia plena were also present in Leon and Castilla during the 11th and 13th centuries, and were attended by members of the third estate. The term "curia" can sometimes refer to an ordinary gathering or meeting of palace officials. The Roman Curia is composed of the Secretariat of State, the dicasteries, and other equal bodies.

La Curia Ordinaria fue un cuerpo asesor histórico durante la Edad Media, sucesor del Aula Regia visigoda y responsable de diversas funciones. Podía ser ordinaria o plena, y posteriormente fue renombrada como Consejo Real. Esta institución no debe confundirse con la Curia Romana, que es el órgano de gobierno de la Iglesia Católica. La Curia Ordinaria y la Curia Plena estuvieron presentes en León y Castilla durante los siglos XI y XIII, y fueron asistidas por miembros del tercer estado. El término "curia" a veces puede referirse a una reunión ordinaria de funcionarios palaciegos.

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