Perform A Tows Analysis Of The Companyamerican Apparel, Using The

Despite its strong brand recognition and high-quality products, American Apparel's credibility has been damaged by sexual harassment allegations, immigration issues, and rising debt. A TOWS analysis reveals that the company is facing multiple threats, including an investigation and excessive focus on expansion rather than profitability. A case study analysis suggests that American Apparel is at a critical junction due to its extensive debt burden and recommends utilizing a SWOT analysis to develop a strategic plan.

Based on the article "American Apparel: Drowning in Debt?", a TOWS analysis of the company can be conducted as follows:


  • The company possesses a strong brand recognition and commitment to high-quality products, creating an opportunity to leverage this positive image in the market.
  • The potential for expanding into new geographic markets or diversifying their product range could present growth opportunities.
  • Shifting consumer trends towards sustainable and ethically sourced products provide an opening for American Apparel to capitalize on its commitment to responsible manufacturing practices.


  • The company has faced negative publicity due to sexual harassment allegations and immigration issues, which could tarnish its brand image and impact consumer trust.
  • The article highlights excessive debt as a significant threat to the organization's financial stability, creating the risk of insolvency or bankruptcy.
  • The focus on rapid expansion without ensuring profitability poses a threat to the company's long-term sustainability.


  • American Apparel has a well-established brand and a reputation for producing high-quality clothing, giving it a competitive advantage in the fashion industry.
  • The company has a history of innovation in manufacturing and a commitment to ethical and sustainable practices, aligning with evolving consumer preferences.
  • Its direct-to-consumer model and emphasis on made-in-America products could help differentiate the brand in the market.


  • Internal issues such as the management's handling of sexual harassment allegations and immigration-related challenges have weakened the company's credibility.
  • The article highlights a lack of focus on profitability and excessive debt burden as key weaknesses that need to be addressed to ensure the company's financial health.
  • American Apparel's traditional approach to marketing and limited digital presence might hinder its ability to reach new consumer segments effectively.

Source: Title: AMERICAN APPAREL: DROWNING IN DEBT? Author: William S. Wallack, Jamie Collins. Publication: Journal of Business Case Studies. Date: 2017. APA format: Wallack, W. S., & Collins, J. (2017). American Apparel: Drowning in Debt? Journal of Business Case Studies.

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