Now That My Mother Is In Memory Care, My Sister


Under Missouri law, if a person does not authorize their agent to have the right to make medical decisions, the right may be given to their spouse or other family members. However, challenging a power of attorney can be a complicated process. According to health care privacy laws, health care providers cannot release information without permission from the person and their agent. It is possible for an agent under a power of attorney to control visitors, but there is also a risk of undue influence. Family members can challenge a power of attorney in court, especially if they believe it was the product of undue influence. A family may also hold the agent accountable if they feel the nursing home selected was negligent. A durable power of attorney can only be challenged if the person becomes mentally incapacitated. This means a nursing home resident's family may not be able to visit if the POA restricts it.

Under the legal framework, the actions taken by the power of attorney (POA) in this situation raise some legal and ethical considerations. It appears that under Missouri law, if a person does not authorize their agent to make medical decisions, the right may be given to their spouse or other family members. However, this process can be challenged, especially if there are concerns about undue influence or if family members feel their access is being improperly restricted.

Health care privacy laws also play a role here, as caregivers and healthcare providers are generally not allowed to release information without the necessary permissions. While it is within the rights of the agent to control visitors, there is a potential risk of undue influence in this situation.

If family members feel that the POA's actions are not in the best interest of their mother or are causing them distress, they may be able to challenge the POA arrangement in court, particularly if there are concerns of undue influence. However, it's important to note that challenging a power of attorney can be a complex process.

Given the complexity of the situation, seeking legal counsel might be the best course of action to understand the specific rights and options in this context.

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