Most Of The Time Users Spend On Mobile Phone Is

According to recent statistics, Americans are highly dependent on their smartphones, spending an average of 4.8 hours a day on them. This is quite surprising, as weekdays see even more usage of smartphones. People are drawn to their mobile devices due to their convenience and portability. In fact, it is predicted that the average American will spend over two months of their life on their phone in 2023. Furthermore, in 2019, the average person in the U.S. spent 3 hours and 43 minutes on their phone. This shows that people are spending more time on their phones than they are on TV. A user tends to spend the most time on mobile apps compared to other activities on their phone. On average, an American adult spends nearly three hours a day using mobile devices. A study suggests that the average amount of time users spend consuming media on their phones is around 203 minutes per day.

True. Most of the time users spend on mobile phones is spent in apps, presenting a threat to Google's dominance in search as mobile use increases.

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