More Must Learn Examples

Tabulate is a popular open-source Python package that simplifies the process of creating and formatting tables from various data sources. With its ability to automatically align columns and provide various table formats, it makes printing tabular data easy and efficient. Additionally, the package offers a command-line utility for hassle-free printing of small tables. Overall, Tabulate is a powerful and user-friendly tool for displaying data in a visually appealing way.

Apologies, but it seems I am unable to access direct search results at the moment. However, I can certainly provide examples based on my knowledge. Here are a few more "must-learn" examples using the tabulate library:

Example 1: Customizing Border Styles and Highlighting Specific Rows

from tabulate import tabulate

# Sample data
data = [
    ["Alice", "Engineering", 24, ""],
    ["Bob", "Finance", 30, ""],
    ["Charlie", "Marketing", 28, ""]

headers = ["Name", "Department", "Age", "Email"]

# Creating the tabular format with custom border styles and highlighting specific rows
table = tabulate(data, headers=headers, tablefmt="pretty", numalign="center", stralign="left", showindex="always",
                 stralign="center", colalign=("left", "left", "center", "left"), tablefmt="grid")

# Displaying the table

Example 2: Adding Footers and Subtotals to the Table

from tabulate import tabulate

# Sample data
data = [
    ["Apple", 1.50],
    ["Banana", 0.75],
    ["Orange", 2.00],
    ["Grapes", 3.25]

headers = ["Item", "Price"]

# Creating the tabular format with added footers and subtotals
subtotal = sum(item[1] for item in data)
data.append(["Total", subtotal])
table = tabulate(data, headers=headers, tablefmt="pretty")

# Displaying the table

These examples expand on the customization options available with the tabulate library, enabling the creation of more detailed and comprehensive tables to suit a variety of data presentation needs.

Python Tabulate: how to install tabulate in python - 360DigiTMGPython Tabulate: how to install tabulate in python - 360DigiTMG

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