
The LGM-30 Minuteman is an American land-based ICBM currently utilized by the Air Force Global Strike Command. Minutemen were members of the organized colonial militia during the American Revolution, trained in weaponry and military strategies. Minuteman International specializes in floor cleaning machines for various industries. The LGM-30G Minuteman is a key component of the nation's strategic deterrent forces. The Minuteman Library Network is a consortium of 42 libraries serving communities in Massachusetts. Minuteman Press International is a franchise known for providing business services. The term minuteman originated from the American Revolution, referring to militiamen who were prepared for duty at a moment's notice.

"Minuteman" can refer to several things. It can refer to the LGM-30 Minuteman, which is an American land-based intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) currently used by the Air Force Global Strike Command. In history, minutemen were members of the organized colonial militia during the American Revolution, trained in weaponry and military strategies, ready to mobilize at a moment's notice. There's also Minuteman International, which specializes in floor cleaning machines for various industries. Additionally, the Minuteman Library Network is a consortium of 42 libraries serving communities in Massachusetts, and Minuteman Press International is a franchise known for providing business services.

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