List Recent Empirical Research Into Metacognition, Self regulated Learning And Higher

This text describes a research study that aims to understand learners' self-regulated learning (SRL) abilities in technology-enhanced learning environments (TELEs) and how teachers can use metacognitive elements to improve students' cognitive skills. The study investigated the impact of metacognitive reading strategies on reading and found that metacognition in understanding and remembering, summarizing, and control strategy were beneficial for reading. Previous research has also looked into the relationship between motivation, metacognition, and academic achievement, and this study used a large dataset to further explore this link. The research also examined the effectiveness of an online collaborative flipped classroom approach in enhancing English reading skills, and highlighted the significant role of metacognition in self-regulation. The effects of metacognitive strategies on reading comprehension were also studied and summarized in this research.

Recent empirical research has delved into various aspects of metacognition, self-regulated learning, and higher-order reading skills. Some of the notable research areas include:

  1. Understanding learners' self-regulated learning (SRL) abilities in technology-enhanced learning environments (TELEs) and the role of metacognitive elements in enhancing cognitive skills.

  2. Investigating the impact of metacognitive reading strategies on reading comprehension and performance. This includes exploring specific metacognitive strategies such as understanding and remembering, summarizing, and control strategy and their influence on reading.

  3. Examining the relationship between motivation, metacognition, and academic achievement, with a focus on how these factors interact to impact students' learning outcomes.

  4. Exploring the effectiveness of an online collaborative flipped classroom approach in enhancing English reading skills, with an emphasis on the significant role of metacognition in self-regulation within this context.

  5. Studying the effects of metacognitive strategies on reading comprehension, aiming to gain a comprehensive understanding of how metacognition influences the higher-order reading skills of students.

These studies contribute to the growing body of empirical research that underscores the importance of metacognition and self-regulated learning in fostering higher-order reading skills among students.

It's important to note that while these research areas are indicative of recent studies, the field of educational psychology continues to evolve with ongoing research addressing the complex interplay between metacognition, self-regulated learning, and higher-order reading skills.

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