La Temperatura Promedio De Las Aguas Superficiales Del Océano Es

The temperature of ocean water varies depending on location, latitude, and depth due to factors such as solar radiation and physical properties. In the open ocean, temperature and salinity also vary with depth. The temperature decreases rapidly below the thermocline and becomes fairly constant at around 2°C. At tropical and equatorial latitudes, there is a higher temperature variation with depth compared to middle latitudes. The thermocline is where temperature changes rapidly with depth.

The ocean temperature decreases with depth due to various factors such as solar radiation and physical properties. In the open ocean, the temperature decreases rapidly below the thermocline and becomes fairly constant at around 2°C. However, it's important to note that the exact rate of temperature decrease can vary depending on factors such as location, latitude, and local conditions.

Temperature of Ocean WaterThermocline - Wikipedia

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