Kolb Cycle

According to David A. Kolb, learning is a four-step process that involves concrete learning, reflective observation, abstract conceptualization, and active experimentation. This four-stage cycle is based on John Dewey and Kurt Lewin's ideas of experiential and active learning. Kolb's theory also includes four distinct learning styles and highlights the ongoing nature of learning. The cycle can be entered at any stage and emphasizes the role of experience, reflection, conceptualization, and experimentation in the learning process.

The Kolb Cycle is a four-step process of learning proposed by David A. Kolb. It involves concrete learning, reflective observation, abstract conceptualization, and active experimentation. According to Kolb, learning is an ongoing process that can be entered at any stage. The cycle emphasizes the role of experience, reflection, conceptualization, and experimentation in the learning process. Additionally, Kolb's theory includes four distinct learning styles.

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