Kes On Karl Joosep Randveer

Karl Joosep Randveer is a person with a presence on Facebook, YouTube, and Welcome Center Estonia. He is a personal trainer with an EQF Level 4 certification, and can be contacted through various online platforms. He is also involved in airsoft, as shown by his playlist on YouTube. Additionally, he has started construction on a new logistics center and has recently participated in the 2021 Tallinna Marathon. His contact information includes an email address and a phone number, and his current address is in Pirita, Tallinn, Estonia.

Karl Joosep Randveer on personaaltreener, kellel on EQF taseme 4 sertifikaat ning kes tegeleb ka airsoftiga ja on osalenud 2021. aasta Tallinna maratonil. Lisaks sellele osaleb ta uue logistikakeskuse ehituses. Temaga saab ühendust võtta erinevate online platvormide kaudu ning tema kontaktandmed sisaldavad e-posti aadressi ja telefoninumbrit. Tema praegune aadress on Pirita, Tallinn, Eesti.

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