Jntuk Aids Btech Syllabus

The text is discussing the courses and regulations for the B.Tech program offered by JNTUK, including a shift towards using the English language instead of just learning about it. It also mentions that specializations are offered at all affiliated colleges and provides links to syllabus books and academic regulations. The courses offered include CSE, CSD, AI&ML, AI&DS, IoT, Cyber Security, IoT&CS, BCT, and Electronics Engineering with a focus on AI&DS in the second semester.

The B.Tech program in Artificial Intelligence and Data Science (AIDS) offered by JNTUK covers a wide range of courses focused on AI and Data Science. The syllabus includes a shift towards using the English language, specializations offered at affiliated colleges, and a range of courses including CSE, CSD, AI&ML, AI&DS, IoT, Cyber Security, IoT&CS, BCT, and Electronics Engineering with a focus on AI&DS in the second semester. In-depth details can be found in the syllabus books and academic regulations provided by the university.

Ug r19 cse_cs & syllabus | PDFUg r19 cse_cs & syllabus | PDF

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