Is This In Agreement With Sudan Second Civil War And

The article discusses how attributing the recent civil war in South Sudan solely to the presence and exploration of crude oil is oversimplifying the complex issues at play. It draws from evidence and analysis from the World Bank's previous studies on civil war and its social and political implications on wartime resource capture in South Sudan. The war, which lasted from 1985 to 2005, was primarily between the central government in Khartoum and the Sudan People's Liberation Movement. The article also mentions the involvement of the two individuals who have been running Sudan and the significance of oil resources in the conflict.

The information regarding the Second Civil War in Sudan aligns with certain aspects put forward by Nicholas Sambini's definition. The war between the central government in Khartoum and the Sudan People's Liberation Movement, with their publicly stated political objectives and the presence of a significant number of deaths, corresponds to some of the parameters outlined by Sambini. However, for a more detailed analysis specific to Nicholas Sambini's work, it would be best to refer to his direct findings and research.

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