Is This Correct? Bruce, N. I., Becker, M., & Reinartz,

In their paper published in the Journal of Marketing Research, Bruce, Becker, and Reinartz (2020) examine the impact of television advertising on brand communication. With the increasing popularity of online platforms and decreasing exposure to television among Generation Z, the authors assess the current effectiveness of television commercials on consumer buying behavior. Their research provides a new framework for understanding persuasion knowledge effects in the marketplace and highlights the need for further investigation and consideration of implications for marketing strategies. This study adds to existing research on the changing landscape of marketing communication and the role of television advertising in a digital world.

The information related to the paper "Communicating Brands in Television Advertising" by Bruce, Becker, and Reinartz (2020) can be found in the Journal of Marketing Research, Volume 57, Issue 2, pages 236–256. The DOI is 10.1177/0022243719892576.

The study explores the impact of television advertising on brand communication, particularly in the context of evolving consumer behavior and the increasing influence of digital media. It delves into the relevance of television commercials in today's marketing landscape, shedding light on the persuasion knowledge effects in the marketplace and its implications for marketing strategies. This research contributes to the ongoing examination of how television advertising intersects with the changing dynamics of digital media and consumer behavior.

If you need more detailed information, you can access the paper through the provided DOI.

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