Instructions The Purpose Of This Assignment Is To Demonstrate Knowledge

The text discusses various policy issues and developments pertaining to national security and the United States' role in addressing them. These include anti-corruption, arms control, climate and environment, drugs and crime, and COVID-19. There is also a mention of the need for partnerships with other countries to effectively tackle these challenges. The text highlights the importance of research and analysis in informing policymaking, and also mentions the White House's release of a national security strategy. This strategy focuses on geopolitical competition with China and Russia, while also addressing other threats to national security. Additionally, there is a mention of a Texas law related to immigration and border enforcement, and a report on global threats to US national security.

Essay: The Role of the Federal Government in Creating National Security Policy

National security is a critical concern for the United States as it grapples with a range of complex challenges. In this essay, we will examine a current policy problem for American national security and then state a preferred policy solution to it. We will also explore two competing solutions to this problem, while addressing the responsibilities of each level of government (federal, state, and local) as well as the three branches of the federal government (executive, legislative, and judicial). Furthermore, we will build an argument for why the chosen solution is preferable, address what critics say about the solution, and finally, explain why the critics are wrong.

Current Policy Problem:

One of the current challenges in American national security is the threat posed by cyber warfare and cyberattacks. With the increasing digitization of critical infrastructure, the United States faces serious vulnerabilities in the face of malicious cyber activities from state and non-state actors. Therefore, a preferred policy solution to this problem is to invest in enhanced cybersecurity measures at both the public and private sector levels. This solution is preferred because it acknowledges the interconnected nature of critical infrastructure and the need for a comprehensive approach to cybersecurity. Additionally, it reflects the urgent need to bolster the nation's resilience against cyber threats.

Competing Solutions and Responsibilities of Different Levels of Government:

At the federal level, the executive branch plays a crucial role in setting the agenda for cybersecurity policy. This includes the development of national cybersecurity strategies, coordination with relevant federal agencies, and establishing partnerships with the private sector to secure critical infrastructure. The legislative branch is responsible for passing cybersecurity legislation, appropriating funds for cybersecurity programs, and providing oversight of federal agencies' cybersecurity efforts. The judicial branch may be involved in adjudicating cases related to cybercrimes and interpreting laws that pertain to cybersecurity.

On the other hand, at the state and local levels, responsibilities include implementing cybersecurity standards and practices for state and local government systems, as well as collaborating with federal authorities to address cybersecurity threats that may affect their jurisdictions. Additionally, state and local governments can work with private sector entities within their jurisdictions to promote cybersecurity best practices.

Two competing solutions to the cyber warfare problem could involve a more decentralized approach, where states and localities have more autonomy in handling their cybersecurity efforts, and a more centralized approach, where the federal government takes a leading role in setting national cybersecurity standards.

Argument for the Preferred Solution:

The preferred solution of investing in enhanced cybersecurity measures at both the public and private sector levels is preferable for several reasons. First and foremost, cyber threats do not recognize jurisdictional boundaries and can have widespread impacts, necessitating a unified and coordinated approach. Furthermore, the federal government, with its resources and reach, is best positioned to set and enforce national cybersecurity standards. Such standards can ensure a baseline level of security across the country, preventing weak links in the cybersecurity chain.

Addressing Critics and Why They Are Wrong:

Critics of the centralized approach may argue that it infringes on states' rights and that a one-size-fits-all approach does not account for the diverse cybersecurity needs of different regions. However, this argument overlooks the interconnected nature of cyber threats and the importance of a unified, cohesive response. By setting overarching standards and guidelines, the federal government can provide a level playing field for all states and localities, ensuring that no area is disproportionately vulnerable to cyber threats.

In conclusion, the federal government plays a pivotal role in creating national security policy, especially in addressing complex and evolving challenges such as cyber warfare. By embracing a comprehensive and coordinated approach to cybersecurity, the federal government can effectively safeguard the nation's critical infrastructure and ensure its resilience in the face of cyber threats.

Current National Security Challenges for the U.S.Challenges and Threats to US Security - ICDS

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