How Many State Parks Are Administered By The State Dept

The United States has a vast number of state parks, recreation areas, monuments, and other designated sites, with Alaska having the largest state park system encompassing over 100 sites and 3.3 million acres. The National Parks Service manages 84 million acres across the country, while state parks serve 2.7 times more people on only 16 percent of the land. The Hawaii State Park System boasts 50 parks on 5 islands, offering various outdoor activities. In addition to state parks, the US also has 40 national recreation areas managed by different departments. Overall, the US has over 250,000 state park areas and 425 national park sites covering more than 84 million acres in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and US territories, making it a prime destination for outdoor enthusiasts.

The State Dept of Parks and Recreation administers a large number of state parks, totaling over 10,000 parks across the United States. These parks offer a wide range of outdoor recreational opportunities and play a critical role in conserving natural and cultural heritage while providing access to beautiful landscapes and diverse ecosystems for the public to enjoy.

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