How Many Photos Are Allowed In One Post On Facebook
Facebook allows users to upload up to 1000 photos to an album, with a maximum of 200 photos per album and 100 photos in mobile uploads albums. However, there is no specific limit on the number of photos that can be added to an album. It is also possible to upload a single image directly to a user's timeline on Facebook. To include multiple images in a single post, a user can create a note which has a limit on the number of photos it can contain. Additionally, Facebook allows up to 10 photos or videos to be uploaded in a single post, while Instagram only allows for 1 image and other platforms like Twitter and LinkedIn allow for up to 4 images. To upload more than 80 photos on Facebook, a user can create a photo album by going to their profile page and clicking on the Photos tab. At the time of writing this, the largest photo album on Facebook contains 1177 photos, with no contributors listed. However, live videos cannot be added to an album and there is no limit on how many photos should be added to an album.
Facebook allows the users to upload up to 1000 photos to an album, with a maximum of 200 photos per album, and 100 photos in mobile uploads albums. However, there is no specific limit on the number of photos that can be added to an album. It is also possible to upload a single image directly to your timeline on Facebook. If you want to include multiple images in a single post, you can create a note which has a limit on the number of photos it can contain. Additionally, Facebook allows up to 10 photos or videos to be uploaded in a single post.
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