How Long Will Eggs Last In Rifrigorater

According to the USDA, fresh eggs can last up to 5 weeks in the refrigerator. Chicken eggs can be stored for up to 90 days without any problems, as long as they are not washed. Eggs should be consumed within 6 weeks of the pack date displayed on the carton. Proper storage, such as keeping eggs in the refrigerator, can extend their shelf life. Room temperature eggs can last up to 2 weeks if they have not been refrigerated or washed. Donovan suggests a slightly longer shelf life of 6 weeks for farm-fresh eggs and 4 weeks for store-bought eggs. Eggs will last longer if they are undamaged and stored properly.

Fresh eggs can last up to 5 weeks in the refrigerator, according to the USDA. However, it's also important to consume eggs within 6 weeks of the pack date displayed on the carton. Proper storage, such as keeping eggs in the refrigerator, can effectively extend their shelf life. If the eggs haven't been refrigerated or washed, they can last up to 2 weeks at room temperature. Farm-fresh eggs can have a slightly longer shelf life of 6 weeks, while store-bought eggs may last up to 4 weeks. The longevity of eggs also depends on their condition and proper storage.

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