How Is Property Market Going In Bulgaria

The Bulgarian real estate market experienced growth in recent years, but it is expected to slow down in 2023 due to cooling market conditions, with a decrease in transactions and smaller price increases compared to previous years. The average price per square meter in the capital city of Sofia was around 1820 euros in mid-2023, and it is predicted to remain stable. However, demand for property in Bulgaria remains high and the market continues to attract foreign investors.

The Bulgarian real estate market has shown growth in recent years, but it is expected to slow down in 2023 due to cooling market conditions. There has been a decrease in transactions and smaller price increases compared to previous years. The average price per square meter in Sofia was around 1820 euros in mid-2023, and it is predicted to remain stable. Despite this, demand for property in Bulgaria remains high, and the market continues to attract foreign investors.

Bulgaria House Price IndexThe Housing Market in Sofia in Early 2023 | Market news ...

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