Hairline Fracture Symptom

A hairline fracture is a small crack in a bone typically caused by repetitive force or overuse. The main symptom is pain, which can gradually worsen over time, especially with weight-bearing activities. Unlike a more severe fracture, the pain may start off as a dull ache and may not be immediately recognized by the person. Other symptoms may include localized swelling, tenderness to touch, and bruising. The pain may decrease when at rest.

A hairline fracture, also known as a stress fracture, is a small crack in a bone typically caused by repetitive force or overuse. Common symptoms include:

  1. Pain that gradually worsens, especially with weight-bearing activities
  2. A dull ache that may not be immediately apparent
  3. Localized swelling
  4. Tenderness to touch
  5. Bruising

It's important to seek medical attention if you suspect a hairline fracture, as proper diagnosis and treatment are essential for a full recovery.

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