Give Me An Example Of General Lien Please

A general lien is a type of lien that allows a creditor to retain all or a portion of a debtor's property as collateral for unpaid debts. This type of lien applies to all property owned by the debtor and is not limited to a specific item. Examples of general liens include tax liens, which are created by laws, and purchase-money security interest liens such as mortgages and car loans. In contrast, specific liens only apply to a particular property, such as a mortgage lien on a home. General liens can also be involuntary, as in the case of government acquisition of land for infrastructure projects.

A general lien is a type of lien that allows a creditor to retain all or a portion of a debtor's property as collateral for unpaid debts. This type of lien applies to all property owned by the debtor and is not limited to a specific item. Examples of general liens include tax liens, which are created by laws, and purchase-money security interest liens such as mortgages and car loans. In contrast, specific liens only apply to a particular property, such as a mortgage lien on a home. General liens can also be involuntary, as in the case of government acquisition of land for infrastructure projects.

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