
According to various reports, electrogravitics is a controversial concept that involves using an electric field to create an anti-gravity force on a mass. This has been linked to free energy and propulsion systems, with claims of high efficiency. The theory and history of electrogravitics and electrokinetics is discussed in more technical terms by researchers such as Dr. Thomas Valone. There have been demonstrations of hovering and rotating with these platforms, and it is believed that the combination of high voltage and mass can lead to unbalanced forces. Overall, electrogravitics remains a speculative idea and its potential relationship to gravity is a subject of debate.

Electrogravitics is a concept that involves using an electric field to create an anti-gravity force on a mass. It has been associated with discussions of free energy and propulsion systems, with claims of high efficiency. The theory and history of electrogravitics and electrokinetics are discussed in technical terms by researchers such as Dr. Thomas Valone. Demonstrations of hovering and rotating with these platforms have been reported. Overall, electrogravitics remains a speculative idea, and its potential relationship to gravity is a subject of debate.

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