Dead Tube

Dead Tube is a manga series inspired by the 2010 film of the same name and created by Mikoto Yamaguchi, Touta Kitakawa, and Yôhei Fukuda. It follows the story of a website where contestants compete for vast amounts of money by uploading shocking videos. The more graphic the videos, the more views they receive. The series delves into macabre and sensual themes, with a focus on a deadly game played by high school students. The French edition of Dead Tube was published on June 15, 2016 by DELCOURT and has 224 pages.

"Dead Tube" is a manga series inspired by the 2010 film of the same name. Created by Mikoto Yamaguchi, Touta Kitakawa, and Yôhei Fukuda, the story revolves around a website where participants compete for substantial sums of money by uploading shocking videos. The more graphic the videos, the more views they receive, leading to a compelling and macabre narrative with a focus on a deadly game played by high school students. The French edition of "Dead Tube" was published on June 15, 2016, by DELCOURT and spans 224 pages.

DEAD Tube | Dead Tube Wiki | FandomYandere Manga : Dead Tube : r/yanderemanga

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