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In this text, the author discusses the concept of dependence and independence in relation to various aspects of life. They list two categories of things: those that are dependent on us and those that are independent. Examples of things dependent on us are judgments, desires, and aversions, while things independent of us include our body, possessions, and reputation. The author emphasizes that the latter are not our own creation. Ultimately, the text highlights the power and responsibility we have over some things and the limitation of control over others.

Here are some key points derived from the text:

  • The author distinguishes between things dependent on us and those independent of us.
  • Examples of things dependent on us include judgments, desires, and aversions.
  • Examples of things independent of us are our body, possessions, and reputation.
  • The author emphasizes the freedom and lack of control over things independent of us.
  • It is suggested that properly understanding and acknowledging the distinction between these two categories can help avoid feelings of conflict, servitude, and resentment.

If you need further information or additional notes on this text, feel free to ask!

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